With the Super Bowl swiftly approaching, our team of car accident attorneys at Weiser & Associates wish to remind you to have a safe and responsible celebration. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there is a giant increase in drunk-driving fatalities each year on Super Bowl Sunday and the morning thereafter.
The NHTSA reported that 43% of the traffic fatalities on that occurred on Super Bowl Sunday in 2012 were caused by drunk driving. In comparison to the annual average of 31% of drunk-driving fatalities, that is a huge increase.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) urges all persons celebrating the Super Bowl to have an assigned and responsible designated driver. MADD urges everyone to “play the most important position in the NFL: the designated driver,” which is why they’ve formed an alliance with the NFL to encourage this.
Our Manhattan car accident attorneys hope you have a safe time during the playoffs and Super Bowl season. If you or a loved one is suffering from a car accident caused by another’s drunkenness or negligence, please contact Weiser & Associates for help with your case. We have the experience you need to represent you in the best way possible and get you the financial help you need. Call us today at (212) 213-3111.