However you are planning on celebrating your 4th of July weekend, make sure to be careful on the roads. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, July 4 is the deadliest day to be on the road, with more fatal motor vehicle accidents from 2000-2013 than any other day of the year.

There are several reasons this day causes so many fatal accidents, but the biggest by far is alcohol. Of all the accidents that occur on July 4, 42 percent of them involve at least one driver testing above the legal limit for alcohol consumption. The large number of cars on the road heading to the same places is also a major factor.

If you get into a car accident with someone, make sure to get the driver’s insurance policy number and contact information. Check the status of all the passengers in the vehicle, and call emergency services if anyone is injured. This should also bring the police to the scene. Make sure they file a report, and get information from any witnesses to the accident. If your phone has a camera, use it to take pictures of the scene and the damage to your vehicle.

If you have been in a car accident and are having difficulty with an insurance company or the other driver, call the motor vehicle accident lawyers at Weiser & Associates by dialing (212) 213-3111. Our experience with these cases can help you get the settlement or ruling you deserve. We serve clients in all five boroughs of New York City, as well as Nassau and Suffolk Counties.