30 Nov 2015

Do I Really Need a Car Accident Attorney?

do-i-really-careFor most minor fender benders in New York, you probably won’t need to hire a car accident attorney.  Minor vehicle damage can usually be resolved through insurance companies.  But if you’ve been involved in a more serious or complex accident, you may need the expertise of an experienced lawyer.

Hiring a lawyer is an important decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Weiser and Associates is a two-generation law firm that has been successfully representing residents of New York for decades. Here are some common indications that you may need to hire a car accident lawyer:

  • The accident resulted in serious injury or death
  • Multiple parties were involved in the accident
  • One or more parties involved in the accident is uninsured
  • You need to collect evidence regarding your accident
  • You have impending settlement talks

Many car accident lawsuits settle before they get to trial. By understanding the complex intricacies of legal negotiation, a seasoned accident attorney can save you a lot of money in litigation costs by settling before trial. An accident attorney can probably negotiate a significantly higher settlement than you.

If you’ve been injured in a traffic wreck in New York and need an experienced car accident attorney to help fight for the justice and compensation you deserve, contact Weiser and Associates today by completing the form on this page or calling (212) 213-3111 to schedule a consultation.